Thursday, August 9, 2007

lit review- peace within

I. Title: Peace from WithinII. Author: Olivia McNeely PassIII. Author's Purpose for Writing: She wants to explore ways we can teach peace in the classroom.IV. What are the points made in the review of the literature? Do they support the need for the study?
Teacher structures class around three central issues: physical healing, mental healing, and grief.
The author compares and illustrates the five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depressing, and acceptance) inside the novel Beloved.

V. Author's Inquiry Question/s
How can we help students deal with emotions and advocate peace?

VI. Author's MethodologyA. Who is being studied? The author is doing a reflection of her work.B. Over what length of time? Not specified.C. What data is being collected. None mentioned.D. How is it being analyzed NAE. Any other interesting or pertinent dataVII. How the author collected information, through books she used in her curriculum.VIII. What the Author Discovered or Conclusions/Implications
Teachers should structure their classes to help studnets understand how to create their own peace:
Accept responsibility
Importance of love, laughter, and art.
Understanding the interconnectedness of the world.

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