Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bibliotherapy: Using fiction to help children in two populations

I. Title: Bibliotherapy: Using fiction to help children in two populations discuss feelings.

II. Author: Janis C. Hayes and Kim Amer

III. Author's Purpose for Writing:
To find out if bibliotherapy will help children with short stature and IDDM cope with their disease.

IV. What are the points made in the review of the literature? Do they support the need for the study?
Because bibliotherapy is relatively new, there are inconsistent findings as to whether or not bibliotherapy is in fact helpful.

V. Author's Inquiry Question/s: When children have read fiction, will they discuss their own feelings? What themes will children bring up? Can the themes children discuss help children cope with their condition?

VI. Author's Methodology
A. Who is being studied? 27 children aged 7-16
B. Over what length of time? It doesn’t say.
C. What data is being collected- children’s opinions and feelings on their disease and what is happening to them.
D. How is it being analyzed? With the help from ethnograph software
E. Any other interesting or pertinent data

VII. How the author collected information: semi-structured interviews

VIII. What the Author Discovered or Conclusions/Implications:
Bibliotherapy allows children a safe environment to discuss problems and worries related to IDDM and short stature.
Children immediately linked their own experiences to the fictional characters and compared and contrasted themselves to the main character.

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